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Course Connect - For Students: Grades

Grades in CC

See below for information on viewing grades in Course Connect!

Included on this page:

Gradebook View

Grade Overview


To view your grades in any course, simply enter your course and click on the 'Grades' link underneath the title of your course. This will take you to the User Report. 



This page contains all of your grades for a course. In this area, you can also find the weights for each graded item, the scale used to grade, and any feedback your professor has posted to specific assignments. 

Grading Policies

Instructors are responsible for creating and maintaining a gradebook in Course Connect if that is their preferred method of maintaining a gradebook. However, some faculty do not use Course Connect for grades and may prefer to use Excel or another program. Faculty are required to notify students how they will communicate grades in their syllabi. If you do not have any grades on Course Connect, it is best to contact your professor. For more information, please click here and view the FAQ page of this LibGuide.

Not all professors use the same grading scale or methods. Consult your syllabus for a detailed description of your professor's grading policies. 

Grade Overview

To see an overview of your overall grades in all courses you are enrolled in, you can click on your initials in the upper right corner of the page and select Grades. 



On this page you will see an overview of each course you are taking and your current overall score in each course. 

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