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Course Connect - For Faculty & Staff: Quizzes


This page details the changes you will see in your Course Connect quizzes. 

  • Quizzes look much the same in the upgraded version of Course Connect. However, not unlike other areas of the site, the quiz navigation has been moved into tabs across the top of the screen. This makes it easier to access and add questions to the ‘Questions’ page, and reduces the amount of clicking needed to find the correct quiz screen.
  • A convenient ‘Add Question’ button has been added to the Quiz Summary screen, which immediately redirects you to the page where you can add questions.
  • The number of question types you can add to a quiz has been reduced to only include the most used question types. If you find that your preferred question type is no longer on the site, please let me know and I can add it to the list of available questions.
  • The question bank also has a few updates to make it more user-friendly, including a ‘draft mode,’ question history, usage statistics, and bulk question actions. For information on the question bank, try this video.

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