Bobashela, the student yearbook of Millsaps College, gives an annual comprehensive view of campus life. Bobashela is a Choctaw word for "good friend." First published in 1905, yearbooks were not published in 1915, 1918, 1935, and 1980.
The Bobashelas below are part of a digital collection that exhibits the history of the college through student and alumni publications and course catalogs. All material is from the collection of Millsaps-Wilson Library. These works reflect the time of their creation and as such provide historical and cultural information. They may contain content that is no longer representative of the attitudes and policies of Millsaps College. Millsaps College holds the rights to all volumes not in the public domain.
Millsaps-Wilson Library is making the Bobashela and other publications available online in a collaborative project partially funded by LYRASIS, a library cooperative supported in part by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and with additional help from the alumni and friends listed below. If you would like to help support this project please contact the Millsaps College Office of Institutional Advancement or the Library.